Aaaannnnddd…suddenly it’s November! Whoosh! I hope you didn’t blink in October, because you might have missed it flying by!
And now we’re into the month that the major holiday season starts, adding items to our to-do lists and stress to our lives. I don’t know about you, but every single year I vow—vow, I tell you!—to start prepping for the holidays earlier in the year. And how often has that happened? Oh right, never (yet, at least).
This morning I sat down to start thinking about gift giving—yes, to start thinking. That’s it. That’s as far as I got. I have nothing purchased, made or stored away yet. And that makes gifts top of mind for me right now, as the rapid countdown to the holidays begins.
Particularly top of mind for me are gifts that last. I find that the older I get, the more concerned I am with the practicality and longevity of gifts. When younger, I liked gifts with glitz. Now older, I have a lot more commonsense and I care less about the “wow” factor of a gift and more about the actual usefulness of it.
Which is probably why I think the gift of home security makes so much sense! This is the kind of gift that keeps on giving all year round, with a value you just can’t put a price on.
Below are my four favorite reasons why you should consider giving the gift of home security to someone in your family this holiday season:
Reason 1: Affordability
If you have kids who are grown and out on their own but still on shaky financial ground, you have kids who probably won’t take on the albeit small but still regular monthly cost of home security. Yet for less than the cost of dinner at a restaurant once a month, you can provide them with this peace of mind!
Reason 2: Peace of mind
Speaking of peace of mind, who doesn’t want to know their home and property are protected in some way? Yes, you could get them a Doberman instead, but feeding a Doberman each month is going to cost about the same as paying the monthly fee for home security. And the home security system won’t leave “messes” in the yard that must be cleaned up. Just saying.
Reason 3: Practicality
Just about everyone I know has too much “stuff,” including me. In fact, probably everyone I know has too much stuff, even my little four-year-old neighbor! So why give a gift that is just more “stuff,” no matter how useful it might seem at the time, when you can give a truly practical gift like home security? Nothing to take up room, but gives plenty of peace of mind (see reason 2).
Reason 4: Going green
I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to making far too much trash around the holiday season, and I am considered the most “green” of the green by my friends! Still, no matter how hard I try to minimize waste during the holidays, I get in a hurry so I’m lazy, and I’m dealing with packaging nightmares (from all of the packaging that encases some of these gifts as they sit on store shelves), and I have a dozen other excuses why I am such a waste maker during the holidays. The gift of home security, however, means I don’t have packaging to undo and toss.
Finally, consider a gift that causes the recipient to think of you every time he or she uses it. Those are the kinds of warm fuzzies a gift of home security can earn you every day of the year!
Home security: a priceless gift that lasts.