We’re a home security provider. So we talk a lot about topics related to keeping our homes and property safe from burglars. That’s basically a no brainer, right? And looking back on the home security topics we’ve covered here over the last year and a half, we found several useful and practical posts that are worth revisiting, especially as we all start gearing up for summer vacations, leaving empty homes behind.

So we took some time to comb through our dozens of blog posts to rediscover the best of the best on burglary prevention—for your home, your property and your car. And we offer them up here for you, in one tidy little list!

· 16 Mind-Blowing Burglary Statistics That Will Have You Rethinking Your Home Security–Here’s where you’ll find when and how break-ins happen, and what burglars are most likely to steal.

· “An Ounce of Prevention…” 5 Burglary Prevention Tips That Provide a Pound of Cure–Here’s a very short yet practical and easy-to-implement list of steps you can take right now to decrease your chances of being burgled.

· 4 Ways to Make Your Home More Inviting…to a Burglar–Taking a different approach, this post tells you four easy ways to invite burglars into your home—so that you won’t do these four things!

· 7 Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe While on Vacation–As summer approaches and we start getting our trips on our calendars, let’s also remember we have to take extra steps to protect our homes while gone. Here are seven ways to do so.

· 5 Ways to Think Like a Burglar in Order to Deter One–Sometimes the best defense is to think like the enemy. This post will help you do just that, to think like a burglar in order to prevent one from wanting to make your home the next target.

· Your Outbuildings Need Protection from Predators too–Not only is your home vulnerable to burglars, your garages and sheds are as well! And with the expensive tools you likely have stored there, you’ll want to read up on keeping your outbuildings safe from break-ins.

· Practice Personal Security for Your Car With These 5 Tips to Prevent Break-ins–Finally, because your vehicles are susceptible to break-ins too, we suggest you check out this post on keeping your car safe—and you while you’re in it.

We strive to keep you up-to-date on safety and security tips and tricks every single week, and we hope this digest of our top 7 burglary prevention posts will help to keep your home, property and persons safe. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered in our blog and you haven’t yet, leave a comment and we’ll try to take it on for you!

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