Another year has come and gone. And we are doing our usual looking backwards to review 2018 and decide what to bring forward into the new year…as well as what to leave behind. Which brings us to safety and security, of course!
During the past year, we served up over 50 blog posts on home security and safety topics. To wrap up 2018 with a flourish, we’ve sorted through those 50 posts to make this list of the top 10. The criteria? The topics we consider of the highest priority based on what poses the greatest risks to us, our loved ones and our homes. Without further ado, here are our top topics for the past year, those we consider still high priorities as we move into 2019:
- Disaster preparedness? Yes, because now at least one state is saying be ready for 2 weeks, not 3 days. And the really bad news is, most of us aren’t even ready for that.
- Smart (and smarter) homes are coming. Are you ready?
- Speaking of smart, our smart phones are putting us in danger—so we should put them away.
- Our passwords are still weak and sad—and easily compromised.
- Using Facebook is still a risky business, as the revelations about compromised data and privacy keep making headlines.
- Our homes can always be safer and more secure, both for keeping our kids from harm and burglars from easy access.
- We will probably be as overloaded with tasks in 2019, so we need to pay attention to the dangers of task saturation.
- And we will probably spend as much time in our cars, so road safety needs to stay top of mind too.
As mentioned above, we delivered over 50 posts over the past year, covering everything from online shopping to college campus safety tips. You can find every safety and security topic at our blog, so take a look and discover all the other ways you can keep yourself, your family and your home safe and secure in 2019.